At the end of 2011, John Roberson and Todd Austin came to the Advent team with an idea. We had been blessed with a very successful year and they wanted our team to find a way to pay it forward. After some discussion, we landed on a simple idea: what if we built wells in places with limited access to clean water?
When the concept was presented to the entire office, we agreed unanimously that we should do this. As a result, Advent met with The Living Water Project, a non-profit organization based in Nashville, TN. They had already worked in many countries around the world and were setup to move as soon as we made a decision. After discussions with Jon Lee (Director of Operations), we chose to honor our clients of 2011 by building one well in Haiti and five wells in Togo. These countries struck a chord with our office for many reasons, but we also knew we could make an immediate impact in these areas as The Living Water Project only needed funding to build the wells, so we jumped right in and funded them.
At the end of 2011 and the start of 2012, we sent announcements out to many of our clients from this past year about our plans: paying forward their trust in our firm with a clean water-well gift in their honor. We promised to keep our clients informed as to the status of these wells and attempt to capture video and photographs of these projects in process.