College Sports Facilities

Three Things Great Brands Do

John Roberson
John Roberson
August 4, 2021

Here are 3 things that we believe the greatest brands do.

They aren’t typically the most obvious.

But they are very powerful ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

1. They identify and empathize with their audience. ๐ŸŒŸ

They realize the importance of knowing the perspective of their audience.

They take the time to listen, to understand the wants, needs, problems, issues, and how they can then use them to connect.

2. They think deliberately about the stories they want to be told. ๐ŸŒŸ

Whether it’s in their Marketing, their Email, or their social media, they look to communicate in a way that helps define their brand.

3. They have complete clarity on their key differentiators. ๐ŸŒŸ

They don’t want to appear like every other business in their industry.

They understand what makes them stand out, they make it measurable and meaningful in the mind of the audience so it can be qualified and is clear.

For me, in today’s world, there is nothing more important than the way you connect with your audience, prospects, and customers.

Be conscious of everything your business does.

It all adds up and creates a perception in people’s minds which can stick very quickly.

Whether you want it to or not.

John Roberson
John Roberson