Help Donors Catch Your Vision

Stanford Man - casework w/ walnut veneer, accent lighting run along ceiling header, large player print to walnut veneer, gloss back letters, painted red metal trim, satin red aluminum letters ,700

Half the battle in development and fundraising is helping donors catch your vision.  Once they can visualize where you’re headed, they are more likely to get on board. 

UND Nistler College of Business Celebrates Grand Opening

When Aaron Flynn was notified he had something to pick up downstairs at the UND Memorial Union’s mail center, he thought no hurry, no big deal. But that was before he knew what had arrived. It was the long-awaited “Renovation & Construction Showcase” issue of the 2022 Special Edition Bulletin of the Association of College Unions International. And the University of North Dakota had made the cover.

UND Memorial Union Makes a Cover Splash

When Aaron Flynn was notified he had something to pick up downstairs at the UND Memorial Union’s mail center, he thought no hurry, no big deal. But that was before he knew what had arrived. It was the long-awaited “Renovation & Construction Showcase” issue of the 2022 Special Edition Bulletin of the Association of College Unions International. And the University of North Dakota had made the cover.